For fetching from an external API
using React Hooks
, you should call a function that fetches from the API inside of the useEffect
Like this:
async function fetchData() {
const res = await fetch("");
.then(res => setPosts(res))
.catch(err => setErrors(err));
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I strongly recommend that you do not define your query inside the useEffect
Hook, because it will be re-render infinite times. And since you cannot make the useEffect
async, you can make the function inside of it to be async.
In the example shown above, the API call is in another separated async function so it makes sure that the call is async and that it only happens once. Also, the useEffect's
dependency array (the []) is empty, which means that it will behave just like the componentDidMount from React Class Components, it will only be executed once when the component is mounted.
For the loading text, you can use React's conditional rendering to validate if your posts are null, if they are, render a loading text, else, show the posts. The else will be true when you finish fetching data from the API and the posts are not null.
{posts === null ? <p> Loading... </p>
: => (
<Link key={post._id} to={`/blog/${post.slug.current}`}>
<img src={post.mainImage.asset.url} alt={post.mainImage.alt} />
I see you already are using conditional rendering so I recommend you dive more into it, especially for validating if an object is null or not!
I recommend you read the following articles in case you need more information about consuming an API using Hooks.