
I've deployed spring-cloud-dataflow with Docker. These are the used containers:

  • springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-server-local:1.7.0.RELEASE
  • wurstmeister/zookeeper
  • wurstmeister/kafka:1.1.0

[other containers not involved in the issue ...]

Documentation consulted:


I am trying to create a stream in which i need to store the payload to use it later.

enter image description here

http | groovy-transform | httpclient_get: httpclient | httpclient_post: httpclient | log

There is some way to solve this need?


1 Answers


It's not clear from your generic description what the best approach would be. A couple of options:

  1. Fan out to the get and post

    http | groovy-transform > :request
    :request > httpclient-get |log
    :request > httpclient-post|log

The streams can be joined:

 http | groovy-transform > :request     
 :request > httpclient-get > :response     
 :request > httpclient-post > :response
 :response > log
  1. Use a Header enricher processor to add the original payload as a header along with some code to extract the header in httpclient_post.

Note if you are using the kafka binder with kafka < 0.11 client, you need to explicitly enable custom headers: For example:

stream create hetest --definition "time | header-enricher --headers=foo='bar' | log --expression=headers"    
stream deploy hetest --properties "app.*.spring.cloud.stream.kafka.binder.headers=foo"