D2009 introduces PNG support for Images and Imagelists.
I have an imagelist containing png images with alpha. I want to place one of these on a form using a TImage. How do I do this and get the image nicely composited?
As an example of the problem I'm facing the code below fails to work correctly, and produces the effect shown:
ImageList.GetBitmap(index, Image1.Picture.Bitmap);
(source: clip2net.com)
To explain a bit more:
Drop a Timage on a form, and at design time, load a PNG file with alpha using the Picture property. Note how it is correctly composited with full transparency onto the form.
Now, at design time, add a second empty Timage, add a TImagelist, and add the same PNG to the imagelist. How can I assign the PNG in the TImageList to the second TImage, and have it look identical to the first one?