I have sales data for each country which is split into different customer groups.
AT CH De FL Total
Customer Group A 100 72 488 16 676
Customer Group B 53 62 280 3 398
Customer Group C 12 9 122 0 143
Total 165 143 890 19 1217
Now I would like to calculate the share of a particular customer group in a single country of the grand total of sales, e.g. for Customer Group B in DE I should get:
280/1217*100 = 23%
First I tried SUM([Sales]) / TOTAL(SUM([Sales])) to get percentage of sales in each country. Then I wanted to use customer group filter to see the share of a particular customer group. However, if I do this, the percentage is not correct, e.g. for Customer Group B in DE I get this:
280/398*100 = 70.3%
Using EXCLUDE would solve my problem... However, I am not really sure how to do this... I tried several options and none of these have worked...
{EXCLUDE [Customer Group]: SUM([Sales]) / TOTAL(SUM([Sales]))}
{EXCLUDE [Customer Group]: SUM([Sales])} / {EXCLUDE [Customer Group]: TOTAL(SUM([Sales]))}
Since I am new to tableau, I have no idea what the problem could be... Does anyone know how to do this?