I have a problem with my Microsoft Graph
webhook subscriptions to /me/events
. What I want to do is to subscribe to all user calendars.
First I have created the new app in https://apps.dev.microsoft.com using my personal Microsoft account.
Then in my app I subscribe to /me/events
notifications using access token:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/subscriptions
"changeType": "created,updated",
"notificationUrl": "https://xxxxx.ngrok.io/notification-url",
"resource": "/me/events",
"expirationDateTime": "2018-11-14T09:40:10.933Z",
"clientState": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
My notificationUrl
receives validation request to which my app responds with 200 OK
and validation token. After that the POST request returns me my subscription:
"@odata.context" : "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#subscriptions/$entity",
"id" : "2773aa4c-e983-4d15-9236-xxxxxxxx",
"resource" : "/me/events",
"applicationId" : "d551ec34-8d44-4cc6-9b88-xxxxxxxx",
"changeType" : "created,updated",
"clientState" : "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"notificationUrl" : "https://xxxxx.ngrok.io/notification-url",
"expirationDateTime" : "2018-11-14T09:40:10.933Z",
"creatorId" : "00000000000"
This subscription works fine but only for one, default calendar in Outlook. I don't receive any notifications if I create, update events in any other calendars that exists in my account.
What could be the problem here, am I using wrong resource name (/me/events
) or this is some limitation for personal accounts in Microsoft Graph