
I have an RxJS Observable that emits a series of changes to an underlying data structure—specifically, snapshotChanges() from an AngularFirestoreCollection.

  • I'm currently mapping this to an array of plain JavaScript objects for consumption by my app.
  • This array is not protected in any way, and consuming code could accidentally modify this structure.
  • The entire array is rebuilt whenever the underlying data source emits, even if only one (or sometimes no) item in the array has actually changed.
  • Because of this, all references change each time, making change detection harder than it needs to be—and really slowing down my app.

What I want to do instead is use Immer to maintain an immutable structure, such that unchanged data is structurally shared with the “new” array.

What I can't work out is how to pipe() off the snapshotChanges() observable such that the pipe gets access to the previously emitted immutable data (or a first-time default) in addition to the latest snapshotChanges() output.

In code, what I basically already have is this:

const docToObject = (doc) => { /* change document to fresh plain object every time */ };
const mappedData$ = snapshotChanges().pipe(
    map(changes => changes.map(change => docToObject(change.payload.doc)),
    tap(array => console.log('mutable array:', array)),

and I'm essentially looking for something like this, where I don't know what XXX(...) should be:

const newImmutableObject = (changes, old) => {
  // new immutable structure from old one + changes, structurally sharing as much as
  // possible
const mappedData$ = snapshotChanges().pipe(

// ==================================================================================
    XXX(...), // missing ingredient to combine snapshotChanges and previously emitted
              // value, or default to []
// ==================================================================================

    map(([snapshotChanges, prevImmutableOutput]) => newImmutableOutput(...)),
    tap(array => console.log('IMMUTABLE ARRAY with shared structure:', array)),

I feel like the expand operator is close to what I need, but it seems to only pass the previously emitted value in on subsequent runs, whereas I also need the newly emitted snapshotChanges.

Given an RxJS Observable pipe, how can I operate on this Observable's emissions while also having access to the pipe's previous emission?

scan seems to be what you are looking for: snapshotChanges().pipe(scan((prev, changes) => newImmutableObject(changes, prev), []))cartant
Thank you—this is exactly what I was looking for (I was so close!). The learn-rxjs page for scan even says “You can create Redux-like state management with scan!” Example 2: Accumulating an object shows almost precisely what I'm trying to achieve.Alex Peters

1 Answers


As per your requirement I would suggest to use scan operator which can track all previous state and new state.

const newImmutableObject = (changes, old) => {
  // new immutable structure from old one + changes, structurally sharing as much as
  // possible
 const mappedData$ = snapshotChanges().pipe(
 scan((acc, current) => [...acc, current], []), //<-- scan is used here
 map(([snapshotChanges, prevImmutableOutput]) => newImmutableOutput(...)),
    tap(array => console.log('IMMUTABLE ARRAY with shared structure:', array)),