
I'm new to angular 7, I used angular 2 2 years ago.. I just installed angular/cli and add it to my path.

Then, i tried a ng new helloworld to test but i get this error :

npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor

npm ERR! code ETARGET

npm ERR! notarget No matching version for @angular-devkit/[email protected] (or other packages, it depends, can be in @angular-devkit/[email protected] or @ngtools/[email protected]; ...)

Which is strange, because when i look in the package.json of @angular-devkit, core version declared is 7.0.3...

Can someone help me please?


image of the error

ng --version

what version of cli have you installed?user184994
The version of my angular cli is 7.0.3nanashidr
If you run npm show @angular-devkit/core version, is the version 7.0.4 shown in the list?user184994
Nope, 7.0.3 is shown...nanashidr
Okay, and what's the output of npm config get registryuser184994

1 Answers


So you please follow given below steps.

  1. Uninstall nodejs

  2. goto C:\Users\ABCD\AppData\Roaming folder

    ABCD -> Username folder

    AppData -> hidden folder

  3. Delete npm and npm-cache folder

  4. Install nodejs. Note: not current nodejs

  5. Check nodejs and npm version $node --version $nmp -version

  6. Install angularjs $npm install -g @angular/cli

  7. Check angular version $ng --version

  8. Create new project $ng new projectName

wait for 5 to 6 minute. Don't press ctrl+c after below message "npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, fl atted is its successor."

  1. After creating new project start server $ng serve
  2. goto browser with url localhost:4200
  3. Done.