I have a group of 7 tabs (Angular material):
<mat-tab-group #tabGroup [selectedIndex]="selectedIndex">
<mat-tab label="Tab 1">Content 1</mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Tab 2">Content 2</mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Tab 3">Content 3</mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Tab 4">Content 4</mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Tab 5">Content 5</mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Tab 6">Content 6</mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Tab 7">Content 7</mat-tab>
I want to set an order for the arrangement of tabs based on some conditions.
So I want tab7, tab5, tab6, tab1, tab2 ,tab3, tab4 in a scenario.
I understand the selectedIndex
will let us control the ACTIVE tab, but I want to control the order of the arrangement ( on load ) .
I have a lot of data communication between the parent and the tabs and hence am not using a *ngFor. Hence is there a solution without a *ngFor.
Does Angular material have the provision for this feature?