Suppose I want to define a type of Monomials in Coq. These would be finite maps from some ordered set of variables to nat where, say, x²y³ is represented by the map that sends x to 2, y to 3 and where everything else gets the default value, zero.
The basic definitions don't seem so hard:
Require Import
Module Monomial (K : OrderedType).
Module M := FMapList.Make(K).
Module P := WProperties_fun K M.
Module F := P.F.
Definition Var : Type := M.key.
Definition Monomial : Type := M.t nat.
Definition mon_one : Monomial := M.empty _.
Definition add_at (a : option nat) (b : option nat) : option nat :=
match a, b with
| Some aa, Some bb => Some (aa + bb)
| Some aa, None => Some aa
| None, Some bb => Some bb
| None, None => None
Definition mon_times (M : Monomial) (M' : Monomial) : Monomial :=
M.map2 add_at M M'.
End Monomial.
At this point, I'd like to prove something like:
Lemma mon_times_comm : forall M M', mon_times M M' = mon_times M' M.
I can see how to prove that the two maps are Equal
using the lemma Equal_mapsto_iff
, but I'd really like to say that my type really represents monomials and that multiplication is genuinely commutative (and the maps are eq
I'm pretty new to Coq: is this a reasonable thing to try to prove?
Also, I realise that this might depend on the finite map implementation: if FMapList
was the wrong choice and another implementation makes this easier, please point me at that!