
I currently working on creating a custom attribute therefore with the use of Apache Directory Studio I have created a new schema project, new schema, new attribute and new Object class.

(used this guide) https://directory.apache.org/apacheds/basic-ug/2.3.1-adding-schema-elements.html

I then export my new schema and finally import into my Root DSE (which is located on a virtual machine ubunutu).

The guide then tell:

You must restart the server if you want to use the added AttributeTypes or ObjectClasses. The schema is currently not dynamic in ApacheDS

And it is here the error occurs:

What it says is that:

ERR_13215_VALUE_EXPECT_STRING The value is expected to be a String

ERR_16009_LDIF_LOAD_FAIL Failed to load schema LDIF file cn=sevenseas.ldif

org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapInvalidAttributeValueException: ERR_13215_VALUE_EXPECT_STRING The value is expected to be a String

What am I missing? I have followed the guide each and every step.

added screenshot of the whole stack trace


1 Answers


I just ran into the same problem. This is what I did to solve the problem: In the schema directory of the LDAP server instance I found and opened cn=mycustomschema.ldif and changed creatorsname:: ... (2 lines of b64) into: creatorsname: uid=admin,ou=system