
I am working on a matrix in Power BI and I am not figuring out how to sum each column recursively until the total:

My table

And this should be the resulting matrix (as an example, rows):

My result

Some clarifications:

  • The months (columns) are dynamically generated based on the transaction month. I could filter the data to get the same data for only three months.
  • "Nombre proveedor" stands for "Vendor name".
  • I don't care about "Total" row.

These are my values:

My values

So, I think I should create a measure with DAX to replace "Accounting Balance" to sum the previous column (month) or show nothing (to avoid zeroes).

Searching on internet I found several sites to get the running totals by rows, but not by columns.

Any suggestions?


1 Answers


Try Something like this:

Maesure =
    [Accounting Balance],
    FILTER (
        ALL ( 'table' ),
        'table'[Transaction month] <= MAX ( 'table'[Transaction month] )