
I'm building an AST in BISON, and have created classes to handle building the tree. I've utilized some inherited classes to store different information (an AddExprNode stores an op (i.e "+"), LiteralNode stores a literal "1.49", etc.) These inherit from the superclass ASTNode.

I've been provided a grammar file for the language that I'm building my parser for (Micro.) I run into an issue when I could receive either a literal, variable, or full expression as the return type for a primary.

primary           : _OPAREN expr _CPAREN  {
                                          $<node>$ = $2;
                | id  {
                          $<var_node>$ = new VarRefNode($1, ASTNodeType::VAR_REF);
                | _INTLITERAL {
                                  $<lit_node>$ = new LiteralNode(LiteralType::isINT, $1, ASTNodeType::LITERAL);
                | _FLOATLITERAL {
                                  $<lit_node>$ = new LiteralNode(LiteralType::isFLOAT, $1, ASTNodeType::LITERAL);

Here's my union declaration, and the type definitions:

%type <s> id str var_type any_type
%type <node> expr_prefix factor factor_prefix postfix_expr expr primary expr_list expr_list_tail call_expr
%type <add_node> addop 
%type <mul_node> mulop 
%type <var_node> primary
%type <lit_node> primary

%type <s_table> decl  var_decl param_decl_tail param_decl_list   
%type <s_entry> string_decl param_decl
%type <str_list> id_list id_tail
%type <st_list> func_declarations if_stmt stmt stmt_list func_body func_decl else_part loop_stmt while_stmt

  SymbolTableEntry * s_entry;
  char * s;
  SymbolTable * s_table;
  std::vector<SymbolTable *> * st_list;
  std::vector<char *> * str_list;
  ASTNode * node;
  AddExprNode * add_node;
  MulExprNode * mul_node;
  VarRefNode * var_node;
  LiteralNode * lit_node;

As can be seen above, BISON does not allow you to make the return type ($$) for a single rule (like primary) different based on what tokens you encounter in the rule.

Is there a way to accomplish this? My google-fu and ability to read the BISON manual seem to be failing me.


1 Answers

ASTNode * node;
AddExprNode * add_node;
MulExprNode * mul_node;
VarRefNode * var_node;
LiteralNode * lit_node;

A variable of type ASTNode * can store a pointer to an instance of any subclass of ASTNode. So you can get rid of all the foo_node definitions above, just keep the ASTNode * node; definition and store all of your nodes in that one.

That way the type of your primary rule can just be node and there's no problem.