I have a lotusscript agent which needs to move the contents of a cell in excel sheet(a csv file) to another cell. Following is the piece of code:
Dim xlApp As Variant, xlwb As Variant, xlsheet As Variant
Set xlApp = CreateObject ( "Excel.Application" )
Set xlwb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(StrFilePath) 'strFilePath is the path to csv file
Set xlsheet = xlwb.Worksheets(1)
'Logic to check necessary cells in the excel sheet goes here...
'Following two lines move the contents from (p,1) to (1,n)
xlsheet.cells(1,n).value = xlsheet.cells(p,1).value
xlsheet.cells(p,1).value = ""
Now the problem arises when I'm trying to save this csv file after moving the contents. I have used the below line to save the file:
This method does not return any error. Yet the file doesn't get saved.
Then I have also tried using the below line to save the file:
This method returns "Automation object error".
The file is not getting saved by either of the methods. At this point, the agent is not able to execute further.
The agent then needs to move this file from the path StrFilePath
to another directory using the FileCopy
statement. At this point, the agent throws the "Permission denied" error.
The file is present in a directory in the D disk drive on the server. The agent also has been given "Allow restricted operations with full administration rights".
Could someone please let me know what is the correct way to save this csv file and how to provide the necessary permissions for the file to be saved?