I have the following problem applying dax in PowerBI:
DTAT column = Initinal Disposition Date - Document Date
For those cells in the Initial Disposition Date column that I don't have data, the calculation will certainly return negative values since all cells in Document Date column have values.
Is it possible to create a slicer based on the DTAT column where I can omit the negative values on the left hand side (but not delete them since that will change/remove other relevant data in my report)? Like not have it shown in the slicer but it's still there to slide?
I've got something like this to calculate the DTAT in Power BI:
DTAT column = IF( Initinal Disposition Date = blank(), blank(), Initinal Disposition Date - Document Date)
For some reason when I applied the function, there're still negative numbers in the slicer range.
Before-applying the range was: -43,000 to 324
After-applying the range was: -290 to 324
Does anyone have any ideas why the negative numbers still appear? (Even though there are no cells where the Document Date > Initial Disposition Date, except for those that are initially null that will become blank when applying the function).
Thank you so much! I'm new to PBI so any suggestions or ideas are highly appreciated!