
Discovered a puzzling metric -- a negative value for the Active Message Count. I've confirmed that both ServiceBus Explorer (v3.0.4) and the Azure Portal report the same negative value.

How can this happen?

I've the following settings enabled for my SB Queue:

  • Enable Batch Operations
  • Enable Dead Lettering On Message Expiration
  • Enable Partitioning
  • Enable Express
  • Lock Duration: 1 minute

Is this something to be worried about? Feels like this might be a bug in ServiceBus.

It's a bug with metrics I suspect. Suggest to raise an issue with Microsoft. And also update SBExplorer to version 4.xSean Feldman
Thanks for the tip on SB Explorer @SeanFeldman. Got the latest and discovered some nice new features. IMO there's some sort of SB service issue with the metrics here -- the Queues have definitely gone negative. Maybe some integer overflow somewhere?Howard Hoffman
There is a similar thread here too but related to scheduled message countJayendran
The portal is using a different API to retrieve message counts than the .NET client. Since both show negative counts, that's a broker side issue. I'll raise it with the team.Sean Feldman

1 Answers


Could you raise an issue on the GitHub repository and share a repro of the code?