
Right now, I am trying to code an event for a Discord Bot (Using the Discord.py Rewrite package) that would send an image upon certain phrase being sent in the chat.

Based upon the error messages I been having, it looks like it is not passing the Message argument, as it is likely I am missing something somewhere. The Listener seems like it is working as it should be (It triggers the moment someone says something in chat).

Here is the error message I am receiving for reference:

Ignoring exception in message Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site->packages\discord\client.py", line 221, in _run_event await coro(*args, **kwargs) TypeError: dealwithit() missing 1 required >positional argument: 'message'

Here is the code snippet for reference

async def dealwithit(ctx,message):
    msg = message.content
    msg = msg.lower()
    msg = "".join(msg.split())
    if ctx.user.id != message.author.id:
        if msg == "dealwithit":
            dealwithit= discord.File('swag.jpg', filename='swag.jpg')
            await client.send_message(content=None,file=dealwithit)


Any assistance on what I might be missing that is not passing the arguments over, or have set up incorrectly would be appreciated.

you might want to use bot.command instead of bot.eventjavajav
That does not work. Gives me an error: File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\discord\ext\commands\bot.py", line 455, in add_listener raise discord.ClientException('Listeners must be coroutines') discord.errors.ClientException: Listeners must be coroutinesRyu Shishin
Listeners and events do not get passed the ctx. And you need to get rid of @bot.event as dealwithit isn’t an event name.abccd

2 Answers


Here's a rewrite of that using discord commands

    bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
    async def dealwithit(ctx):
        sendfile = open("swag.jpg", "rb")
        await bot.send_file(ctx.author.channel, sendfile)

on_message has only the message argument, so try it without ctx.