
My developers and I are looking to move off TFS 2010, and what we are looking to do is export all the source code with history. The source code and history we want to export over to another network where we are standing up a Git Repository.

Every where I look gives examples of where TFS and Git have access to one another, but unfortunately, in our case the two networks are isolated from one another.

Is there away where I can simply export the data, transfer the data on to the new network and then import into Git?

can you move the code physically to the other network?Shayki Abramczyk
You can upgrade TFS to a modern version and use the support for Git repos that has existed since 2013.Daniel Mann
Yes, we can physically copy the code from a local copy on a development desktop to the other network.Andy5
No we don't want to use TFS anymore as other projects at my company are using Git and the decision has been made that everyone is to use Git. Further the network we are on is being pensioned off and we need to be on a new networkAndy5

1 Answers

  • Install git-tfs on your TFS 2010 server/any PC in your first netowrk with access to TFS (you also need git installed).
  • Migrate you TFVC code to a git repository:

    git tfs clone https://{tfsServer}:8080/tfs/Collection $/project/repo . --branches=all

Now you have a local git repo with your TFVC source code in your first network.

  • Move this local git repo to the second network physically.
  • Upload the code to your existing central git repository or create a new git repository and push the current code.