
I'm using in my Wordpress host the follow permissions:

775 for folders 644 for files

although these is the recomended configurations, i can't update wordress, plugins and upload images to media.

I've got any others sites these permissions works normally.

Which user owns the files?TheGentleman
i don't understand your question.Almir Júnior
In linux, in addition to permissions every file also has an owner account and an owner group. That is what those numbers refer to (the first number is the owner's permissions, the second number is the group's permissions, and the third number is the permission for everyone else). So if the files have the wrong owner having the correct permissions won't make it work.TheGentleman

2 Answers

chown -R www-data:www-data *

will solve your issues (considering that your Apache / nginx or related webserver user is www-data).


Some time before I faced the same issue with my Wordpress sites. Solution is here:

sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/ -R

and to make this solution more secure use

sudo chmod -R 774 /var/www/html

It will fixed the issue