I am trying to recreate this SAS array in R without transposing my data set from wide to long (due to the size of my data). I've looked here to help but can't seem to generalize it.
data esoph_pre1;
set ESOPH.Pedsf_esophagus &opts;
*get sequence of esophageal cancer;
array siterwho {*} SITERWHO1-SITERWHO3;
array site {*} SITE1-SITE3;
array yrdx{*} $ YRDX1-YRDX3;
do i = 1 to 3;
*set to 0 at b/g of loop;
esoph_index = .;
*1 rec for each instance of esophageal of the correct SITERWHO and location (SITE);
if (SITERWHO{i} in('21010') OR
site{i} in('151','152','153','154','155','158','159')) and
'2004' <= yrdx{i} <= '2013'
then esoph_index = i;
if esoph_index ne . then output;
drop i;
If you are not familiar with SAS essentially this is looping through each of the 3 columns and determining if the row should be output and saves the index number as esoph_index
My question is- is there a way to output a new row each time the conditions are satisfied and put the index associated with that iteration (i.e if during the second iteration of a loop the index would say 2)?
Here is my attempt and desired output but would appreciate any input:
#original Data Frame
dx <- data.frame(ID = c(1,2,3),
SITERWHO1 = c('21010',NA,'42322'),
SITERWHO2 = c('21010','21010','56987'),
SITERWHO3 = c(NA,NA,'21010'),
SITE1 = c('159', NA,'160'),
SITE2 = c('151', '232','160'),
SITE3 = c(NA, NA,'154'),
YEARRX1 = c('2005','2001','2004'),
YEARRX2 = c('2006','2007','2009'),
YEARRX3 = c('1998','1989','2004'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#list of codes
si <- c(as.character(151:159))
#list of years
yr <- c(as.character(2004:2013))
#list of variables names
siter <- paste0("SITERWHO",1:3)
site <- paste0("SITE", 1:3)
yeardx <- paste0("YEARRX",1:3)
#put list of variables together
df <- as.data.frame(t(data.frame(siter = siter, site = site, yeardx = yeardx,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#conditions work one at a time but need to get index on df
tcond <- dx[(dx[df$V1][1] == '21010'|
dx[df$V1][2] == si) &
dx[df$V1][3] == '2005',]
#can't seem to get the loop to work
lscond <- lapply(df, function(x){
dx[(dx[df[['x']]][1] == '21010'
|dx[df[['x']]][2] %in% si ) &
dx[df[['x']]][3] == yr, ]
#desired output
desired <- data.frame(ID = c(1,1,2,3),
SITERWHO1 = c('21010','21010',NA,'42322'),
SITERWHO2 = c('21010','21010', '21010','56987'),
SITERWHO3 = c(NA,NA,NA, '21010'),
SITE1 = c('159', '159',NA,'160'),
SITE2 = c('151', '151', '232','160'),
SITE3 = c(NA, NA,NA, '154'),
YEARRX1 = c('2005','2005','2001','2004'),
YEARRX2 = c('2006','2006', '2007','2009'),
YEARRX3 = c('1998','1998','1989','2004'),
Index = c(1,2,2,3),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
when you refer todf
in your code? – Wimpel