
I want avoid having my API accessed directly by multiple third parties so I am publishing my API through the API management portal but now I am being challenged that third parties that wants to access my API cannot import the API into their portal from my API management Portal, I tried to find documentation about this but found none, so how can I import an API from another Azure API management portal, or rather how can they do that from my API management portal?


2 Answers


If by importing the API, you mean using the API in the Azure API Management Gateway then you can generate the specifications (WSDL, OpenAPI Specification, etc.) of your API and import them in the portal.


Azure APIM's developer portal has a "API definition" link in the top right corner when you're looking at API specification, it will allow one to generate OpenAPI spec or WADL file for an API:

enter image description here

There is also a REST api to do that by automation if needed: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/apimanagement/apiexport/get.