
In a table in Dynamics Navision 2009 we use a field named [Last Time Modified]. Data type is Time (in the database it is a DateTime). It contains values with fractions of seconds (like 13:14:15.678).

In NAV / Connectivity Studio / Documents / Export, the fractions are not exported by default to the XML. So I created my own format (see also: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics-nav/format-property):

<Hours24,2>:<Minutes,2>:<Seconds,2><Second dec,4>

which results in the XML as:


The fraction part is always 0. What I need is:


Any solutions?

Have you tried to call format function directly from your own code? And have you tried also to call it with standard format that contains fractions of seconds like format(“Last Modified”, 0, 2)?Mak Sim
I am not allowed to access the code units, since they are maintained by a third party. At this point, the column [Format Expression] is the only thing I have.Martin Mulder

1 Answers


Did you try <Hours24>:<Minutes,2>:<Seconds,2>,<Second dec.>? I took standard one and changed to colon and comma in places where needed.