I am new to AWS workspace, as of now we are using DynamoDB
to feed our logs on daily bases for each job execution,
And then each day we generating a summary report from all the data which was posted to dynamoDB on the previous day.
I am facing an issue while fetching the data from dynamoDB while generating the summary report. For fetching the data, I am using Java Client inside my scala class
. The issue is that I am not able to retrieve all the data from dynamoDB for any filter condition. But while checking at DynamoDB UI, I can see a lot more no of records.
..using below code ..
val client: AmazonDynamoDB = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard.build
//Function that returns filter expression and ExpressionAttribute
val (filterExpression, expressionAttributeValues) = getDynamoDBQuery(inputArgs)
val scanRequest: ScanRequest = new ScanRequest()
After a lot of analysis, it looks like that DynamoDB is taking a while for fetching all the data for any filter condition (when we scan the dataset). And Java client is not waiting while all the records are retrieved from the DynamoDB. Is there any workaround for this. Please help.