
I have problem in Gitlab CI/CD build stage. For some reason the job is failing. My Gitlab-Runner yaml file structure is below:

  - build
  - deploy

job 1:
  stage: build
    - 'bash lint.sh'
    - "echo test"
  allow_failure: true

job 2:
  stage: deploy
  script: "bash deploy.sh"

The problem is that after the lint.sh is executed, It returns the positive pylint score but the job is not succeeded in the job status and fails with the exit status:1 as shown in the image below:

error image

After checking the logs of gitlab-runner, I found the following error:

pam_systemd(su:session): Failed to create session: Start job for unit [email protected] failed with 'failed'


Log error

Kindly add logs as text instead of images, It improves readability,Talha Junaid

1 Answers


Since you are using pylint to check your score of the code that you've build, always remember that pylint will return exit status 1 each time even if it detects a single warning. So, try to resolve each caution/warning/error and re run the pipeline.