I want to create keyed windows in Apache flink such that the windows for each key gets executed n minutes after arrival of first event for the key. Is it possible to be done using Event time characteristics ( as processing time depends on system clock and it is uncertain when will the first event arrives ). If it is possible please explain the assignment of Event time and watermark also to the events and also explain how to call the process window function after n minutes.
Below is a part of code which can give you an idea about what i am doing currently :
//Make keyed events so as to start a window for a key
KeyedStream<SourceData, Tuple> keyedEvents =
env.addSource(new MySource(configData),"JSON Source")
.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new MyTimeStamps())
//Start a window for windowTime time
DataStream<ResultData> resultData=
.process(new ProcessEventWindow(configData))
.name("Event Collection Window")
So, how would i assign the Event time and wateramark such that the window follow the event time of first event as starting point and executes after 10 minutes ( start time of first event can be different for different keys ). Any help would be really appreciated.
/------------ ( window of 10 minutes )
Streams |------------ ( window of 10 minutes )
\------------ ( window of 10 minutes )
Edit : Class i used for assigning timestamp and watermarks
public class MyTimeStamps implements AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<SourceData> {
public long extractTimestamp(SourceData element, long previousElementTimestamp) {
//Will return epoch of currentTime
return GlobalUtilities.getCurrentEpoch();
public Watermark getCurrentWatermark() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Will return epoch of currentTime + 10 minutes
return new Watermark(GlobalUtilities.getTimeShiftNMinutesEpoch(10));