I tried following the Quickstart: Run a Spark job on Azure Databricks using the Azure portal as described at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-databricks/quickstart-create-databricks-workspace-portal
But when I later try to delete resource group for that databricks resource I got the following two errors:
Delete resource group databricks-rg-mydatabricksws-5mlo3dio7wef2 failed The resource group databricks-rg-mydatabricksws-5mlo3dio7wef2 is locked and can't be deleted. Click here to manage locks for this resource group.
UnauthorizedApplicationId "The management lock ... is owned by system application"
Lock Deletion Failure The lock named mydatabricksws was unable to be deleted for the following reasons: {"errorThrown":"Unavailable in batch","jqXHR":{"responseJSON":{"error":{"code":"UnauthorizedApplicationId","message":"The management lock 'mydatabricksws' is owned by system application(s) 'd9327919-6775-4843-9037-3fb0fb0473cb'.