This is the setup i have
Created mongodb instance with docker
sudo docker run -p 27017:27017 -e MONGODB_DATABASE=DEV -e MONGODB_USER=dev -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=dev123 -e MONGODB _ADMIN_PASSWORD=dev123 -e MONGODB_ROLE=readWriteAnyDatabase --name mymongo -v testdb:/var/lib/mongodb/data -d mongo
Entered container using
sudo docker exec -it container-id /bin/bash
Executed command
mongodump -d DEV -u dev -p dev123 ( works perfectly )
Now the ISSUE happens while restoring to different database
mongorestore --db test ./dump/DEV -- throws below error
Failed: test.duke: error reading database: not authorized on test to execute command { listCollections: 1, cursor: { batchSize: 0 } }
Stuck for 3 days now any help would be appreciated ( beginner to both docker and mongodb)