Yes it is :).
There is a function in Excel called "Name Manager". There you can define ranges (name a range or a cell/cells) and therefore make ranges dynamic as you insert or delete columns or rows.
Go to "Formulas" -> "Defined Names" -> "New.."
I create two ranges (notice I use absolute reference with $).
1 - The first one is for the axis values (43.july17, 44.aug17 etc..). I call it "Month_Name
". Notice you need to do it from $C$3
given your example.
2- The second one is for your data range (Ave. subs length). I call the range: "Ave_Sub
Click on your series (in your graph/chart) and change your series names to the sheet name + named range i.e. in my case the sheet name is "Sheet1":
When you add rows or columns now, the graph will automatically expand (I added 1 row and one column).
Details about formula:
So how does it work?
Syntax for the formula is:
=OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, [height], [width])
and in our case
: is our start column, $AS$3
and cols
: We don't want to offset any column or rows. Therefore: 0,0.
: = 1 since we have one row.
= COUNTA(Sheet1!$AS$3:$AZ$3)-1
, we take the first column we want to have in our chart and the last column in the range we possible want to add or delete a column. In our case the "Total" will be our last column. But we don't want "Total" to appear therefore we take -1
in our range.
Generic formulas to expand ranges:
For columns:
=OFFSET(<sheet name="">!<start cell="">,0,0,1,COUNTA(<sheet name="">!<column name="">:<column name="">) - 1)
For rows:
=OFFSET(<Sheet name>!<start cell>,0,0,COUNTA(<Sheet name>!<Column name>:<Column name>) - 1)