It looks like you add cuts to end a recursion but this is usually done by making rule heads more specific or adding guards to a clause.
E.g. a rule:
x_y_sum(X,succ(Y,1),succ(Z,1)) :-
will never be matched by x_y_sum(X,0,Y)
. A recursion just ends in this case.
Alternatively, a guard will prevent the application of a rule for invalid cases.
hatTeiler(X,X) :- fail,!.
I assume this rule should prevent matching of the rule below with equal arguments. It is much easier just to add the inequality of X and Y as a conditon:
hatTeiler(X,Y) :-
Z is Y+1,
Then hatTeiler(5,5) fails automatically. (*)
You also have a disjunction operator ;
that is much better written as two clauses (i drop the cuts or not all possibilities will be explored):
hatTeiler(X,Y) :- % (1)
Y > X,
hatTeiler(X,Y) :- % (2)
Y > X,
Z is Y+1,
Now we can read the rules declaratively:
(1) if Y is larger than X and X divides Y without remainder, hatTeiler(X,Y)
is true.
(2) if Y is larger than X and (roughly speaking) hatTeiler(X,Y+1) is true, then hatTeiler(X, Y) is also true.
Rule (1) sounds good, but (2) sounds fishy: for specific X and Y we get e.g.: hatTeiler(4,15)
is true when hatTeiler(4,16)
is true. If I understand correctly, this problem is about divisors so I would not expect this property to hold. Moreover, the backwards reasoning of prolog will then try to deduce hatTeiler(4,17)
, hatTeiler(4,18)
, etc. which leads to non-termination. I guess you want the cut to stop the recursion but it looks like you need a different property.
Coming from the original property, you want to check if X = N * B for some N and B. We know that 2 <= N <= X
and X mod N = 0. For the first one there is even a built-in called between/2
that makes the whole thing a two-liner:
hT(X,B) :-
between(2, X, B),
0 is (X mod B).
?- hT(12,X).
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 4 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 12.
Now you only need to write your own between and you're done - all without cuts.
(*) The more general hasTeiler(X,X) fails because is
(and <
) only works when the right hand side (both sides) is variable-free and contains only arithmetic terms (i.e. numbers, +, -, etc).
to apply whenX
is greater thanY
then you should include that condition in the body of the predicate:... :- X > Y, isTeiler(Y, X), ...
. Without the condition, this could run away ifX < Y
since you keep increasing the second argument. You shouldn't need any cuts for this problem. Anyway, your code, when working, always succeeds since every number is its own factor. – lurker