
I need someone's help.

I follow a tutorial Streaming Data from MySQL into Kafka with Kafka Connect and Debezium but I have the trouble connecting MySql to Kafka server using Debezium MySQL Connector.

Here is my setup and other information.

OS : Windows 10.

Kafka Connect : Confluent 5.0.

MySQL Connector : 0.8.1 Final.

I keep files


I add the plugins path

Picture 1

Picture 2

When I tried connecting to Kafka Connect, It returned me an error. "Failed to find any class that implements Connector and which name matches io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector"

Error 1

Error 2

Am I missing something? Anyone can help?

If you have added the connector while kafka-connect was already up and running then you either need to load the connector manually, or restart kafka-connectGiorgos Myrianthous
@GiorgosMyrianthous I already restart kafka Connect server but the result still the same.W.Phromma
You need to put the jar file under plugins.path which is defined in kafka-connect properties which usually points to /usr/share/javaGiorgos Myrianthous
@GiorgosMyrianthous I have put all the plugin folders in the custom path and i already add the path in the kafka-connect properties file according to Picture 1 and Picture 2.W.Phromma
As I said, place only the jar file under /usr/share/java.Giorgos Myrianthous

2 Answers


Make sure that you've placed the .jar connector file under plugins.path which is defined in kafka-connect properties and usually maps to /usr/share/java.

After adding the connector under the correct directory you need to either load the connector or restart kafka-connect so that it is automatically loaded in start-up.


your plugin path is wrong (confluent-5.0.0\share\java) either it should start with / (which means root of current drive) or you should give complete path.

This is the reason connector jar is not present in classpath