Apple App Store rejected my app with this message:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.4.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Because of this I (too late) discovered that since June 2016 Apple requires that every app submitted to App Store should support IPv6-only networking, as written here
Starting June 1, 2016, all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking. A majority of apps will not require any changes as IPv6 is already supported by NSURLSession and CFNetwork APIs. However, if your app utilizes IPv4-specific APIs or hard-coded IP addresses, you will need to make changes. Be sure to test for IPv6 compatibility before submitting your app to the App Store for review.
The point is that my app doesn't have hardcoded IP addresses and for all the web calls I simply instantiate an HttpClient with default implementation; I already submitted other app based on the same one for other clients, but it's the first time that they rejected it for this reason. Moreover I don't have a way to do a test with IPv6 because my ISP doesn't support it, and also APN of my two mobile sims (internet.wind and doesn't work in IPv6.
Is it possible that Apple does this test only once in a while and with other 5/10 submissions I was simply lucky?