
I'm trying to select the value of an xml file that matches a particular element(with specific value). For example the xml file below:


I'm trying to use this command but it gives a blank response.

xmlstarlet sel -t -v '//groupId[@artifactId="art1"]/version' -n test.xml

if I try to use just this command, it gives me the list of group id's

xmlstarlet sel -t -v '//groupId' -n test.xml


I just need to get the version number of a particular group Id and then I will update it so something like, if groupid = group1 and version = 0.0.1 then i will update the version to 0.0.1-done using xmlstarlet..

Any help will be appreciated as I'm new to using xmlstarlet. I tried reading some documentations but I'm really lost..

Did my answer help or are you still having issues?Daniel Haley
@DanielHaley this works perfectly. Thank you very much. (I just need to add the namespace something like that on my original xml) but nonetheless I works great. For the update I forgot to mention that I want to rewrite the original file, found that I need to add --inplace but still I will not be able to figure it put without you. Thank you very much :)black_swan
You’re very welcome! Glad I could help!Daniel Haley

1 Answers


artifactId isn't an attribute so @artifactId won't select anything.

If you want the value of version when artifactId = "art1", it would look like this...

xmlstarlet sel -t -v "//artifactId[.='art1']/following-sibling::version[1]" test.xml

If you're really wanting to do this:

if groupid = group1 and version = 0.0.1 then i will update the version to 0.0.1-done

You should use the ed command instead...

xmlstarlet ed -u "//groupId[.='group1' and following-sibling::version[1] = '0.0.1']/following-sibling::version[1]" -x "concat(.,'-done')" test.xml

