
I'm using an Azure stream Analytics job to process the data from an IoT hub. So my data comes from my simulated device to an IoT hub and I have configured the hub as an input to the stream analytics job and a blob storage as an output job.

My question is if I stop the stream analytics job and restart it, do I lose the data between stop and start? Or is the data stored on the IoT hub and when I restart the job and select the start time as from when it stopped, I'll get all the data.

Hello, have you checked the issue? And is there any other question?Michael Xu - MSFT

2 Answers


As krishmam said, you can choose the outputStartMode when starting a job. Specifies if the job should start producing output at a given timestamp or at the point when the job starts. enter image description here


You won't lose any data. Stream Analytics gives you an option to start a job from the previous stop time when you start the job.