
I'm building a web app using Seam, using stateful session EJBs as business components (also annotated as Seam components). In this scenario what's the best practice for injecting the entity manager, using @In or @PersistenceContext? will one of the two options cause me problems? (assume the duration of a conversation and its associated persistence context is not an issue)

If I choose to use @In and need to mark a method as non-transactional, should I use @Transactional(TransactionPropagationType.SUPPORTS) or @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS)?


1 Answers


You are not going to have any issue using Seam managed persistence context instead of the standard container managed persistence context, so in my opinion the best practice is using @In. Among the advantages of using a Seam managed persistence context there are:

  • You can inject the same persistence context in non-EJB Seam component
  • Use of <s:convertEntity> in the view (assuming you are going to use JSF)
  • Use of EL in the Query Language
  • You have the persistence context bound to the conversation context (not important for you, if understand correct)

If you choose @In, thus Seam managed persistence context, then you can have declarative transaction demarcation using @Transactional in non-EJB Seam component where @TransactionAttribute make no sense. For EJB session bean annotated as Seam component (@Name) @TransactionAttribute should be used with the same semantic as defined for EJB3.

Since @Transactional doesn't have a REQUIRES_NEW value the following applies as explained in the reference documentation:

If you are using EJB3 and mark your class or method @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) then the transaction and persistence context shouldn't be propagated to method calls on this object. However as the Seam-managed persistence context is propagated to any component within the conversation, it will be propagated to methods marked REQUIRES_NEW. Therefore, if you mark a method REQUIRES_NEW then you should access the entity manager using @PersistenceContext.

Chapter 9 of Dan Allen book Seam In Action will satisfy any doubt on this topic.