I am trying to deploy an EC2 Fleet against a custom AMI I have created. I am getting the following:
Repeated errors have occurred processing the launch specification "c5.large, ami-xxxxxxxx, Linux/UNIX, us-east-1b while launching spot instance". It will not be retried for at least 13 minutes. Error message: com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.AmazonEC2Exception: Spot instance requests are not supported for this AMI. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: UnsupportedOperation)
The base AMI deploys just fine, but my custom AMI derived from that base AMI does not. For brevity, we can assume the only difference between my custom AMI and the base is a handful of RPM packages and some files created at /root and that the AMI is being created from a source EC2 instance.
Amazon's documentation lists the following EC2 Fleet Limitations
The following limitations apply to EC2 Fleet:
- EC2 Fleet is available only through the API or AWS CLI.
- You need to create a separate EC2 Fleet for each region.
However I can't seem to find anything about which AMI's are supported.
Does EC2 Fleet support custom AMIs? If so, what are the restrictions, if any?