
Looking to make a chatbot on either Microsoft QnaMaker or Lex.

I would like to be able to make API calls to request answer to the question (node.js), train the bot using the API. Currently I am using QnaMaker but unfortunately it doesn't seem to have response cards where user can click on it.

I know that Amaazon Lex allows this but do they allow training of bot through API?

QnA Maker do have response cards, called as Rich Cards, Read more about cards and attachments. docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/dotnet/…Kasam Shaikh

1 Answers


Yes, you can make intents, put utterances and slots using the API's.
Lex support two types of API's - Model Building API and Runtime API. What you need is Model Building API.

As you are working with node.js, you should be referring this page and read more and more about putIntent() method.

Hope it helps.