
I have two tables in a Power BI workspace:

Table 1 is derived from a query that extracts a list of orders and the products within them.

CustomerID    OrderID    ProductID    Country    Date
0010234       9235064    V24-GY       UK         04/07/2018
0010234       9235064    AB5-84       UK         04/07/2018
0010234       9235064    RIM-3S       UK         04/07/2018
0010234       4812623    V79-GY       UK         27/09/2018
0049371       7924823    V24-GY       UK         09/10/2018
0049371       7924823    59H-PW       UK         09/10/2018

Table 2 contains a list of unique OrderID values that included a certain product, X (e.g. V24-GY). This was created using SUMMARIZECOLUMNS and applying a FILTER that searched for product X in Table 1


I would like to use the OrderID values in Table 2 as a filter for Table 1 so that I can create a new table, Table 3.

CustomerID    OrderID    ProductID    Country    Date
0010234       9235064    V24-GY       UK         04/07/2018
0010234       9235064    AB5-84       UK         04/07/2018
0010234       9235064    RIM-3S       UK         04/07/2018
0049371       7924823    V24-GY       UK         09/10/2018
0049371       7924823    59H-PW       UK         09/10/2018

I've tried to use CALCULATETABLE with FILTER but Table 2 isn't recognized as a valid name/entity and so can't be used.

How can I get to Table 3?

Do you need to have Table 2 separately or is it just an intermediate step to get Table 3?Alexis Olson
@AlexisOlson - I created it as an intermediate step in my journey to create Table 3PuzzledInVA
In that case, it's may not be best to create it as it's own calculated table. Can you outline what you intend the end result Table 3 to look like? It's possible you can skip the intermediate step altogether.Alexis Olson
Thanks @AlexisOlson. What I want to get is a table that shows me the contents of all orders where at least 1 of product X was purchased. In a way it's a type of affinity matrix (I've been looking at market basket techniques too).PuzzledInVA
Yeah, pretty sure you don't need an intermediate table, but it's quite difficult to say for sure since you haven't shown any example tables. A mcve would be very helpful in answering this.Alexis Olson

1 Answers


You can do this where you only calculate Table2 as a variable instead of a calculated table that shows up in your data model.

Table3 can be calculated as follows:

 Table3 = 
     VAR Table2 = SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Table1[OrderID],
                      FILTER(Table1, Table1[ProductID] = "V24-GY"))
     RETURN FILTER(Table1, Table1[OrderID] IN Table2)

Here's a similar method that skips the summarizing.

Table3 = FILTER(Table1,
             Table1[OrderID] IN
                     FILTER(Table1, Table1[ProductID] = "V24-GY"),
                     "OrderID", Table1[OrderID]))