I have to log response body and response headers. For that, I use Interceptor and the ContentCachingResponseWrapper class (I had also try with filter, but for the same result). When I combine both, I lose some headers informations but not if I use only Interceptor.
My dispatcherServlet :
public class MyDisPatcherServlet extends DispatcherServlet {
protected void doDispatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
try {
super.doDispatch(request, new ContentCachingResponseWrapper(response));
} catch (Exception e) {
When I use ContentCachingResponseWrapper in the postHandle of the Interceptor :
private Map<String, List<Object>> getHeaders(HttpServletResponse response){
Map<String, List<Object>> headersList = new HashMap<>();
Collection<String> headerNames = ((ContentCachingResponseWrapper)response).getHeaderNames();
// Same if I use response.getHeaderNames()
if (headerNames != null) {
for(String headerName : headerNames){
headersList.put(headerName, Arrays.asList(response.getHeaders(headerName)));
return headersList;
Headers result :
{Set-Cookie=[[JSESSIONID=109DE678B86611DE627B9B7B3B513DEF; Path=/service/services; HttpOnly]]}
If I unactivate the component MyDisPatcherServlet, and read directly header names from response :
private Map<String, List<Object>> getHeaders(HttpServletResponse response){
Map<String, List<Object>> headersList = new HashMap<>();
Collection<String> headerNames = response.getHeaderNames();
if (headerNames != null) {
for(String headerName : headerNames){
headersList.put(headerName, Arrays.asList(response.getHeaders(headerName)));
return headersList;
Headers result :
{X-Frame-Options=[[DENY]], Transfer-Encoding=[[chunked]], Cache-Control=[[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate]], X-Content-Type-Options=[[nosniff]], Connection=[[close]], Set-Cookie=[[JSESSIONID=9E2F642595202D87935F4CD5C089ADFE; Path=/service/services; HttpOnly]], Pragma=[[no-cache]], Expires=[[0]], X-XSS-Protection=[[1; mode=block]], Date=[[Mon, 23 Jul 2018 16:15:55 GMT]], Content-Type=[[application/json;charset=UTF-8]]}
Thanks in advance.