Excel does not plot the time randomly. You can clearly see on the X axis that the markers are for 0:00 AM and these are consecutive days.
Format the X axis and you can see the settings for the Axis Options > Units will be 1 (for 1 day). It looks like the format for the axis labels is using only the time without the date.
(By the way: The row with the time is not a row, but a column. Rows go left to right, columns go top to bottom)
If you want the time and date printed every two hours, you will need to
- format the labels as date and time
- make the major interval on the horizontal axis 1/12 of a day.
A day is 1 in Excel, so the major interval needs to be 1 divided by 12, which is 0.08333333.
That will cause all the date/time stamps to overlap and become unreadable, so you may want to revise that decision or make your chart very, very wide if you have more than a few hours of data or turn the X axis labels sideways which will look like this:
Not pretty, but that's what you asked for. If you change your mind, edit your question and post a comment to let me know what you want.
Edit: Looks like your "dates" may actually be text. Format the X axis labels to "General" and you may find that the labels are integer numbers. Excel cannot recognize the text in column A as dates, so it just numbers the data points from first to last and plots these numbers on the X axis. Formatted as times, all integers will show up as midnight.
You may want to convert your text to real date/times with the Text to Columns tool or another technique of your choice.
Once the data in the cells is dates with times, you can apply what I have written above.