
Say for instance I'm trying to use purrr::map2() to iterate rnorm() over a vector and I want to specify the options n and sd but not mean.

Using the "formula" way, I could do this:

len <- c(1, 3, 10); sigma <- c(1, 1, 10)
map2(len, sigma, ~rnorm(n = .x, sd = .y))

But is it possible to specify n and sd without specifying mean with the "function" way? If I do the following, it fills "sigma" in for mean because mean is the next option in rnorm() after n.

map2(len, sigma, rnorm) 

I could specify that mean is 0 so that "sigma" would apply to sd, as below:

map2(len, sigma, rnorm, mean = 0) 

But what if I wanted to leave mean at its default (without specifying it) and still have "sigma" apply to sd? As in, is there a way to do something like .x/.y if I'm using the "function" method.

Sorry that was wordy. Thanks a lot!

Yeah that is (editing my original Q to make that clearer), but I appreciate it. It's easy enough in this example, but for more complex functions I'd prefer not listing every option before the one I'm trying to get to. Thanks!Danny

2 Answers


No, because you have to manually direct the data to parameters other than the first one[s]. This is one of the advantages of base R's Map, which can take named parameters for iteration:


len <- c(1, 3, 10) 
sigma <- c(1, 1, 10)

map2(len, sigma, ~rnorm(n = .x, sd = .y)) %>% str()
#> List of 3
#>  $ : num -0.56
#>  $ : num [1:3] -0.2302 1.5587 0.0705
#>  $ : num [1:10] 1.29 17.15 4.61 -12.65 -6.87 ...

Map(rnorm, n = len, sd = sigma) %>% str()
#> List of 3
#>  $ : num -0.56
#>  $ : num [1:3] -0.2302 1.5587 0.0705
#>  $ : num [1:10] 1.29 17.15 4.61 -12.65 -6.87 ...

You can't do the same thing in map2 because the input parameters are named .x and .y, whereas Map slurps up all the parameters in ....


Another option, aside from using Map, is to use pmap. This requires that you have your inputs in a list though.

a <- map2(len, sigma, ~rnorm(n = .x, sd = .y))

input <- list(n = len, sd = sigma)
b <- pmap(input, rnorm)

identical(a, b)
# [1] TRUE