Presently, I have a smart contract successfully deployed to the Rinkeby testnet, I'm having trouble accessing the method in question using web3 version 1.0.
Here's my web3 code, which instantiates a contract instance and calls a contract method:
const contractInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(abiDefinition, contractAddress);
var value = web3.utils.toWei('1', 'ether')
var sentTransaction = contractInstance.methods.initiateScoreRetrieval().send({value: value, from: fromAddress})
console.log('event sent, now set listeners')
sentTransaction.on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){
console.log('method confirmation', confirmationNumber, receipt)
sentTransaction.on('error', console.error);
And here is my smart contract, or rather a version of it stripped down to the relevant bits:
contract myContract {
address private txInitiator;
uint256 private amount;
function initiateScoreRetrieval() public payable returns(bool) {
require(msg.value >= coralFeeInEth);
amount = msg.value;
txInitiator = msg.sender;
return true;
I am not able to get to the console.log that is setting the event listeners on the web3 side, and I am not getting an error of any kind thrown. I'm certainly not getting the consoles from the actual event listeners. I am guessing something is wrong with the way I'm sending the transaction, but I think I am correctly following the pattern documented below:
Does anyone have any insight on how to use web3 1.0 to make contract method calls correctly? Am I doing something wrong with how I'm passing options, etc.?
. The callback for the transaction hash will be the first response you get back. If you get that, but never get a receipt, then your transaction isn’t being mined. I would also explicitly includegasPrice
values. Finally, have you confirmed on Etherscan that your contract was deployed correctly? – Adam Kipnis