
In the Azure portal I select my web app and then "Application settings" and it shows this:

Failed to load settings

An error message, "Failed to load settings", for application settings and also for connection strings.

How do I fix this?

Additional information:
Another user with the same privileges than me is also experiencing this issue when going to the same Application settings page. Also I'm able to deploy so I have the privilege to modify web.config

Additional information #2:
So I used Chrome Inspector as suggested and its trying to get application settings with a POST to https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/xxx/config/appSettings/list?api-version=2015-08-01

This is the JSON response:

   "error": {
       "message":"The subscription 'xxxxxxxxxx' is disabled and therefore marked as read only. You cannot perform any write actions on this subscription until it is re-enabled."
Pragmatic solution: delete and re-create the app. You could also try Azure PowerShell?juunas
Try to refresh the page (or) Restart the web appJayendran
press F12 and check the REST Requests and JSON responses for some further insightsFalco Alexander
i've updated my question with the REST request and JSON responsesports

1 Answers


Sometimes the Azure portal has bugs.
Also try https://preview.portal.azure.com, occasionally that works for me when the main portal has errors.