
In this thread ( GADM-Maps cross-country comparision graphics ) Gavin Simpson helped me to merge multiple Maps from GADM to one object that can be plotted.

But how can I now access one part of the spatial polygons data frame - for instance how could I change the color of one country?

Additional question (I don't really need that now, but maybe I can learn something): Why does the solution I posted in the former thread only work with level 0? Is there a way to make it also work with other levels?

answers below show how to change colors. to access one of the rows int the spatial polygons data frame one can use

> row.names(df)
# outputs the accessable rows
# e.g. [1] "ARG" "CHL"
> plot(df["ARG",])
# plots just Argentina

3 Answers


You can specify the colours directly, by passing in a vector of colours, one for each row in the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

Here's an example using data from the maptools package.


  xx <- readShapePoly(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")[1], IDvar="FIPSNO", proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66"))

  plot(xx)  ## default plot

  plot(xx, col = "lightblue")  ## single colour

  plot(xx, col = sample(rainbow(nrow(xx)))) ## colour for every poly

  ## colour for all, with one different
  cols <- rep("lightblue", nrow(xx))

  cols[10] <- "grey"

  plot(xx, col = cols)

A simplistic answer (others may have more elegant solutions) is to pull the names vector out of your object and use which to get an index. E.g.:

cols <- rep("lightgreen",length(NAME_ENGLI))
cols[which(NAME_ENGLI=="ARG")] <- "red"

Assuming you have a SpatialPolygons object, you just specify col argument. See sp vignette on classes and methods: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sp/vignettes/sp.pdf (specifically chapter 7).