I am trying to return the sum of values of one data frame between two dates in another data frame. The answers provided in Stack don't seem to work for my application. I have tried using data.table but to no avail, so here goes.
Create the Date Ranges
MeanRemaining <- seq(as.Date("2017-01-01"),as.Date("2017-02-28"),2)
colnames(MeanRemaining)<-c("InspDate", "PrevInspDate")
MeanRemaining$InspDate<-as.Date(MeanRemaining$InspDate, origin = "1970/01/01")
MeanRemaining$PrevInspDate<-as.Date(MeanRemaining$PrevInspDate, origin = "1970/01/01")
Important to note that the date ranges are not actually fixed like they are above and could be any range of possibilities up to about a week apart.
Create the values to sum
DailyTonnes <- as.data.frame(cbind(as.data.frame(seq(as.Date
+ ("2016-12-01"),as.Date("2017-03-28"),1)),(replicate(1,sample(abs(rnorm(118))*1000,rep=TRUE)))))
The Aim
I want to sum 'Vol' from 'DailyTonnes' between each of the date ranges in 'MeanRemaining' and return the total 'Vol' to the corresponding row in 'MeanRemaining'.
With some assistance of similar questions I've tried
MeanRemaining[DailyTonnes[MeanRemaining, sum(Vol), on = .(date >= InspDate, date <= PrevInspDate),
by = .EACHI], TotalVol := V1, on = .(InspDate=date)]
However this returns NA values.
Any advice would be much appreciated.