To complement my comment to your question, I have added code here that goes thru the whole process: data generation as a linear array, CRC32 added to the transmitted data, injection of errors, and reception in 'chunks' with computed CRC32 and detection of errors. You're probably only interested in the 'reception' part, but I think having a complete example makes it more clear for your comprehension.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
// ---------------------- buildCRC32table ------------------------------
static const uint32_t CRC32_POLY = 0xEDB88320;
static const uint32_t CRC32_XOR_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static uint32_t CRC32TABLE[256];
void buildCRC32table (void)
uint32_t crc32;
for (uint16_t byte = 0; byte < 256; byte++)
crc32 = byte;
// iterate thru all 8 bits
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
uint8_t feedback = crc32 & 1;
crc32 = (crc32 >> 1);
if (feedback)
crc32 ^= CRC32_POLY;
CRC32TABLE[byte] = crc32;
// -------------------------- myCRC32 ----------------------------------
uint32_t myCRC32 (uint32_t previousCRC32, uint8_t *pData, int dataLen)
uint32_t newCRC32 = previousCRC32 ^ CRC32_XOR_MASK; // remove last XOR mask (or add first)
// add new data to CRC32
while (dataLen--)
uint32_t crc32Top24bits = newCRC32 >> 8;
uint8_t crc32Low8bits = newCRC32 & 0x000000FF;
uint8_t data = *pData++;
newCRC32 = crc32Top24bits ^ CRC32TABLE[crc32Low8bits ^ data];
newCRC32 ^= CRC32_XOR_MASK; // put XOR mask back
return newCRC32;
// ------------------------------ main ---------------------------------
int main()
// build CRC32 table
uint32_t crc32;
// use a union so we can access the same data linearly (TX) or by chunks (RX)
uint8_t array[1024*1024];
uint8_t chunk[1024][1024];
} data;
// use time to seed randomizer so we have different data every run
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Build data to be transmitted
// populate array with random data sparing space for the CRC32 at the end
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(data.array) - sizeof(uint32_t)); i++)
data.array[i] = (uint8_t) (rand() & 0xFF);
// now compute array's CRC32
crc32 = myCRC32(0, data.array, sizeof(data.array) - sizeof(uint32_t));
printf ("array CRC32 = 0x%08X\n", crc32);
// to store the CRC32 into the array, we want to remove the XOR mask so we can compute the CRC32
// of all received data (including the CRC32 itself) and expect the same result all the time,
// regardless of the data, when no errors are present
crc32 ^= CRC32_XOR_MASK;
// load CRC32 at the very end of the array
data.array[sizeof(data.array) - 1] = (uint8_t)((crc32 >> 24) & 0xFF);
data.array[sizeof(data.array) - 2] = (uint8_t)((crc32 >> 16) & 0xFF);
data.array[sizeof(data.array) - 3] = (uint8_t)((crc32 >> 8) & 0xFF);
data.array[sizeof(data.array) - 4] = (uint8_t)((crc32 >> 0) & 0xFF);
/////////////////////////////////////////////// At this point, data is transmitted and errors may happen
// to make things interesting, let's add one bit error with 1/8 probability
if ((rand() % 8) == 0)
uint32_t index = rand() % sizeof(data.array);
uint8_t errorBit = 1 << (rand() & 0x7);
// add error
data.array[index] ^= errorBit;
printf("Error injected on byte %u, bit mask = 0x%02X\n", index, errorBit);
printf("No error injected\n");
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Once received, the data is processed in 'chunks'
// now we access the data and compute its CRC32 one chunk at a time
crc32 = 0; // initialize CRC32
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
crc32 = myCRC32(crc32, data.chunk[i], sizeof data.chunk[i]);
printf ("Final CRC32 = 0x%08X\n", crc32);
// because the CRC32 algorithm applies an XOR mask at the end, when we have no errors, the computed
// CRC32 will be the mask itself
if (crc32 == CRC32_XOR_MASK)
printf ("No errors detected!\n");
printf ("Errors detected!\n");