if (fileUpload !== null) {
const baseUrl = this.blob.generateBlobUrl(Config,'testBlobUpload');
this.config = {
baseUrl: baseUrl,
sasToken: Config.sas,
blockSize: 1024 * 64, // OPTIONAL, default value is 1024 * 32
file: fileUpload.nativeFile,
complete: () => {
console.log('Transfer completed !');
error: () => {
console.log('Error !');
progress: (percent) => {
//this.percent = percent;
export const Config: UploadParams = {
storageAccount: 'vldevstoragefuncapp.blob.core.windows.net/vl2songs',
containerName: 'vl2songs'
Using Angular5 for uploading media files on Azure blob using angular-azure-blob-service, I am facing issue with generating the 'sas' Token, If anyone Used help me, Thanks