
 if (fileUpload !== null) {
      const baseUrl = this.blob.generateBlobUrl(Config,'testBlobUpload');
      this.config = {
        baseUrl: baseUrl,
        sasToken: Config.sas,
        blockSize: 1024 * 64, // OPTIONAL, default value is 1024 * 32
        file: fileUpload.nativeFile,
        complete: () => {
          console.log('Transfer completed !');
        error: () => {
          console.log('Error !');
        progress: (percent) => {
          //this.percent = percent;
    export const Config: UploadParams = {
        storageAccount: 'vldevstoragefuncapp.blob.core.windows.net/vl2songs',
        containerName: 'vl2songs'

Using Angular5 for uploading media files on Azure blob using angular-azure-blob-service, I am facing issue with generating the 'sas' Token, If anyone Used help me, Thanks

enter image description here

enter image description here

Can you share your code for generating SAS Token?Gaurav Mantri
@GauravMantri I have that, Sharing link i am using npmjs.com/package/angular-azure-blob-service You will see, Lib don't have code for generating the 'sas' TokenVivek Shukla
This library needs SAS token. You will need to generate it elsewhere and then use it in your code.Gaurav Mantri
Does it means, I need to create a separate API for This? then need to use that for this Lib, right.Vivek Shukla
You're absolutely correct.Gaurav Mantri

1 Answers


To generat the SAS token in Angular 2+ you need to install - create-hmac

npm i create-hmac

need to insert to index.html


    var global = global || window;
    var Buffer = Buffer || [];
    var process = process || {
      env: { DEBUG: undefined },
      version: []

to genrate token -

public generateSasToken(resourceUri: string, signingKey: string, policyName: string, expiresInMins: number) {
    resourceUri = encodeURIComponent(resourceUri);
    let expires = (Date.now() / 1000) + expiresInMins * 60;
    expires = Math.ceil(expires);
    const toSign = resourceUri + '\n' + expires;

    // Use crypto
    const createHmac = require('create-hmac');
    const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
    const hmac = createHmac('sha256', Buffer.from(signingKey, 'base64'));
    const base64UriEncoded = encodeURIComponent(hmac.digest('base64'));

    // Construct authorization string
    let token = 'SharedAccessSignature sr=' + resourceUri + '&sig='
      + base64UriEncoded + '&se=' + expires;
    if (policyName) {
      token += '&skn=' + policyName;
    return token;