heatmap.2 assigns incorrect colors to labels when using "colRow" argument. Is there an alternative way how to assign colors to labels in heatmap.2? Or am I doing something wrong? (examples are based on examples from Label and color leaf dendrogram and How to color the branches and tick labels in the heatmap.2?)
#make dataset
sample = data.frame(matrix(floor(abs(rnorm(20000)*100)),ncol=1000))
groupCodes <- c(rep("Cont",5), rep("Tre1",5), rep("Tre2",5), rep("Tre3",5))
rownames(sample) <- make.unique(groupCodes)
colorCodes <- c(Cont="red", Tre1="green", Tre2="blue", Tre3="yellow")
#calculate distances, cluster
distSamples <- dist(sample)
hc <- hclust(distSamples)
dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
# Assign the labels of dendrogram object with new colors:
labels_colors(dend) <- colorCodes[groupCodes][order.dendrogram(dend)]
# plot dendrogram
plot(dend,main ="colors of labels OK")
# plot dendogram and heatmap with heatmap.2
heatmap.2(sample.datamatrix, scale="row",
colRow = col_labels, # to add colored labels
Rowv = dend,
main="colors of labels mixed-up",
labCol = FALSE) # hide column names (i.e. gene names)