
Login page enter a username and password, after that .ASPXAUTH cookie set and these are maintain all the rest of the http request

The above said cookie (.ASPXAUTH) not stored in cookie section. Please refer the screen shot

Response header set a .ASPXAUTH cookie

enter image description here

Once we pass the valid credentials request header (get method) maintain the same cookie throughout the session
enter image description here

Recorded the above login in jmeter while running the .ASPXAUTH cookie not set.

Let me know how can I handle this?

enter image description here


2 Answers


Try using cookie manager for managing the cookie automatically. This will take care of your cookies and it works in most of the cases.You can also check the below URL on how to build a basic web test plan.


Hope it helps.


Try the following steps:

  1. Uncomment the next line in log4j2.xml file:

    <Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.control" level="debug" />

    This way you will have way more information regarding what's going on with the HTTP Cookie Manager under the hood

  2. Play with "Cookie Policy" dropdown values, i.e. try netscape which is less restrictive than standard which is "too"-RFC 2109-compliant
  3. Try adding the next line to user.properties file:


    It will suppress JMeter's cookies validation logic.

More information just in case: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide