I will be creating a string resource file that will be used for localization of all future products for my company. Let's call that file CAPSStrings.resx, since that will be its name. In WinForms under C#, forms with the Localizable property set to True have their own resource files. In addition to string resources, those files contain all non-default settings for controls in the form.
I would like to be able to import the strings from CAPSStrings.resx into the form resource files so that the translations from CAPSStrings.resx are available as the form is being developed or translated using the separate translation tool Microsoft provides with Visual Studio. This does not have to be done at run time, or even at design time. It would be sufficient to run a separate stand-alone program that would know the locations of the source and destination files.
What would be the best way to do this?
as resource file for your forms. But if you want to provide a solution to add support for different languages without rebuilding the application, I've shared a post showing how to add new language to your application. – Reza Aghaei