
I need to get select data from 2 different tables that they are in 2 different databases. Using SQL Server I would do SELECT * FROM database.schema.table, but I tried that and it didn't work using Amazon Redshift.

Does anyone knows how to achieve that?

I don't think there is a way, when you connect to Redshift you pads database name in connection string, which means you are bound to access data only from that database in that Redshift cluster.hadooper

2 Answers


Redshift does not support cross db references. i.e : you can't call anything outside of the current database. Two solutions here :

  1. move to another DWH that supports cross db references : snowflake or BQ mainly
  2. copy data to s3 and then load it to your target db

As of late 2020, this is possible via "cross-database queries". For more information, see the official documentation here.