I have a Product list page on DNN.
On this module I have a function which is called when clicked. I am adding the name of the product and SKU in the URL as a Querystring. I noticed that DNN would rewrite ?Title= to /Title/ as well as &SKU= to /SKU/ when the SKU is normal without a forward slash. For example SKU/SR2018B
The URL below would work: www.ourwebsite.com/Product-View/Title/staple-remover-black/sku/SR2018B
My main problem is when the SKU has a special character like a forward slash, for example: SS023/10. This will cause the URL to break. I am using an encoder for the SKU. Notice that ?Title did not change to /Title/ and now there is a Default.aspx? present in the URL below.
Here is my Code Behind when a person is redirected to the Detailed Page.
if (tabIdToRedirectTo == null) m_alerts.ShowModuleMessage(ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError, $"An error occurred when attempting to Redirect to the '{settingKey}' Page!", ref plcMessages, true); else Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL(tabIdToRedirectTo.TabID, "", "?Title="+ hiddendescription.Value + "&sku=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(hiddensku.Value), EmbeddedModule.GenerateFullQueryStringForEmbedding(EmbeddedCompanyCode, EmbeddedShowCustPricing)));